Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Reference to the World Tipiṭaka Edition

The Reference to the World Tipiṭaka Edition
How to make an electronic Tipiṭaka Quotation

Tipitaka Chanting for the late Princess Patron 2008

On the 100th anniversary day of the passing away of Her Royal Highness Princess Galyani Vadhana, the Royal Patron of the World Tipiṭaka, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration and the Dhamma Society Fund jointly organised the Memorial Recitation of the World Tipiṭaka Edition on April 8, 2008, at the Bangkok Town Hall, which was presided over by Her Royal Highness Princess Soamsavali.

Three selected Pāḷi Tipiṭaka Quotations have been taken from the World Tipiṭaka Edition in Roman script, the only two special sets which were graciously presented by the late Princess Galyani Vadhana in 2005 and 2007 to the Honorable Justices of the Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Thailand and the President of the Supreme Court of the Kingdom of Thailand respectively. These two Royal Gifts are now permanently preserved at the Office of the Constitution Court and the Supreme Court in Bangkok.

The standard Pāḷi Tipiṭaka from the World Tipiṭaka Edition in Roman script which will be recited can be accessed and printed electronically via the e-Tipiṭaka Quotation WebService as follows:

Tipitaka e-card & Tipitaka Quotation

The First Recitation :
The Confidence in the One-Thus-Gone” : Yassa saddhā tathāgate...
from the World Tipiṭaka Edition (printing version) Volume 14 No. 1022 Tipiṭaka Quotation Number → 14S5:1953-1955

Tipitaka e-card & Tipitaka Quotation

The Second Recitation :
The Peaceful & Enduring City of Dhamma” : Sīlaṃ pākārakaṃ tattha...
from the World Tipiṭaka Edition (printing version) Volume 20 No. 535-538 Tipiṭaka Quotation Number → 20Ap1:553-556

Tipitaka e-card & Tipitaka Quotation

The Third Recitation :
The Glory of the Buddha” : Divā tapati ādicco...
from the World Tipiṭaka Edition (printing version) Volume 18 No. 387 Tipiṭaka Quotation Number → 18Dh:415

For more information, please go to